Thursday 26 May 2011

1815 British / allied army 28mm

Here goes what I have up to the moment regarding Wellington´s army in Waterloo. Still plenty to do.

69th foot; Halkett Bgde; 3rd ID (Alten). Perry miniatures.

Lunebourg Battalion; Kielmansegge Bgde; 3rd ID. Victrix and Perry all mixed up.

British Foot artillery. Victrix and Irregular Miniatures.

79th Highlander. Victrix.

14th foot; Collville/Mitchell Bgde, 4th ID. Perry miniatures.

Verden Battalion; Best Bgde; 6th ID. Mainly Victrix with the headgear made from burned shakos up to the present form, modelled with the finger while hot.

The farm on all pictures. A Hovels model offered by Jorge Faria (O Brigadeiro). Very easy to paint and with an added wood base.

1 comment:

  1. Impressionante JP.
    Já nem falo da qualidade da pintura dos diferentes dos modelos, mas tb dos pormenores relativos à identificação das diferentes unidades envolvidas (contei pelo menos 6 diferentes).

    Ao melhor nivel do que nos habituas-te.
