Saturday 9 March 2024

Impetus Rules - Mohacs 1526, part 11 - Revell conversions for Ottoman artillery in 20mm


RedBox or Mars are really hard to find these days so, in order to have some artillery for my XVI century Ottoman army, I made some conversions on the figures of the Revell box of the 30YW artillery. 

These consisted on large Greenstuff trousers and sashes on many of the figures as well as several of  the obvious turban and Fez. The Fez was made by simply cutting the brim of the hat all around . As there was plenty of Balcanic influence in Ottoman artillery I left some of the figures with the original trousers and wide hats making some cuts here and there for it to look with some contemporary images.  

Here you can see (?) the GreenStuff applied on the headdress but not on the trousers and sashes as these ones were a later decision. 

Next: The British Infantry in Metropolitan uniform for Gallipoli.