Monday 27 May 2024

AOE (Age Of Eagles rules) British 3rd /Foot Guards and Prussian 11th Hussar in 28mm at Waterloo 1815


By adding the Foot Guards and General Cooke miniature the 1st British infantry division is done. The problem is that its only the ninth Brigade sized group of the Allied army to be built and some thirty are still to go ... glups!...
In better shape is my Prussian army with all infantry done - only missing was this stand of Jägers - and a few more cavalry joining the ranks from today.

The Foot Guards are a mix of Victrix and Perry all with Perry heads. The sapper is a metal Perry miniature. 

By mixing Victrix and Perry you can even mix their arms and having a complete set of different figure from each other. 

General George Cooke was made from a Perry metal Colonel and painted with light colored hair as it shows in period paintings. 

The Prussian Hussars are made from horses and torsos from the French Perry Hussars with the addition of Perry Prussian infantry heads. The shabraque´s teeth were smoothed with a hot iron in Prussian style. 

Unfortunatly only one of these Jäger bases is necessary for the entire Blücher´s army as these Perry figures are cleverly built with the same torso but with moving arms and head which changes their movement dramatically. 

Next: a video on the Waterloo Prussian army.

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