Sunday, 15 December 2024

Impetus Rules - Mohacs 1526, part 14 - One more Rumelian Sipahis stand in 20mm

One more stand of Rumelian Sipahis for the Ottomans. This time they all got basically the same equipment, pennants and painting for the sake of speed as I had other stuff on the table. 


The usage of the same colors on different figures is as quick way to produce these conversions and get a somewhat diverse look. 

The horses and figure´s body are Italeri. Some, like this one, got an Esci head from the Muzlim set with a Greenstuff turban. Plastic shields  were glued and lances were drilled in the hands after squashing slighlty these last ones in order to provide a better and easier drilling surface. 

Next: The Dieppe castle in 1942


  1. Great looking figures- nicely based!

  2. Thanks John. Bases help sometimes to hide a scruffy paint job.
