This a wargaming place were you can see a growing collection of miniatures and terrain of many historical periods in 20mm (but also a few 10mm,15mm and 28mm) started when I was 10 yo. At the moment it has several tens of thousands of miniatures from foot figures to Destroyers. Occasionally there are some war movie critics and some travel to military sites. My family considers it the best wargaming site in the World even if it is the only one they know. More on @joaopeixoto5249 YouTube Channel.
Sunday, 31 July 2022
Rapid Fire! Western Desert 1940-43 in 20mm - Reinforcements for Operation Compass
Sunday, 24 July 2022
Rapid Fire! Western Desert 1940-43 in 20mm - The beggining of the 4th Indian Infantry Division

Plenty of details were added as the models came a bit bare. A nice extra touch are the unditching metal planks which can be easily made by touching slightly with the tip of a soldering iron on a piece of EverGreen plastic card.
Next: Maybe a video on the German Panzer divisions for Mortain, or one on the Desert British or more Russo-Ukraine war.
Wednesday, 20 July 2022
Able Archer/ RFR rules (?) - Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 in 20mm (part 7) - The new Russian Tsirpan-S-1 arrives to the battlefront

This is the original toy truck I found in a Chinese shop. The cabin had a relatively resemblance to the Kamaz cabin of the Pantsir and about the same dimensions.

The toy chassis were also used. It was connected to the cabin with a piece of hard styrene. This was a problem as the chassis became a bit taller than it should.

The wheels are mostly hidden in this model and were crudely attached to the body with a glue gun and super glue.
Blocks of blue board were glued to the chassis and then covered with a mix of paint and PVA glue. This layer was insufficient as I noticed later when the primer diluted a bit of the styrene. The weapons station was crudely made as most of the detail will be covered by the 30mm guns and missiles.
Sunday, 10 July 2022
Able Archer/ RFR rules (?) - Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 in 20mm (part 6) - Ukrainian T-64 BVs and the first battalion of infantry
Saturday, 2 July 2022
Able Archer/ RFR rules (?) - Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 in 20mm (part 5) - Ukrainian vehicles for the mechanized infantry
The Ukrainian infantry got reinforcements in the form of the BTR-4 Buchephalus and BMP-2. All vehicles are MiniGeneral 3d prints. In the current war most of them are equipped with the Bar Armor system. I´ll try my luck with Pedro Pato, the MiniGeneral warlord, to see if he can print something like that.
Next: More Ukrainian armor and infantry as I need to balance it with the Russian forces. Also Ukrainian aircraft on the cue with a few MIG-29 and SU-27.