I went to see the opening of the movie - Linhas de Wellington - in Gil Vicente Theater, here in Coimbra on the 8th of October.
When buying the ticket I bumped, not litterally unfortunately, with Soraia Chaves and I even made her a very favourable and unnecessary remark that she replied with a nice smileeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahh...
This is the aproximate outfit she was wearing when looking at me !!! (XXXX emoticons with tongue out!!!).

Well...not exactly but believe me she was also in black...
Well...not exactly but believe me she was also in black...
After waking up, the film has some flaws in modelling and wargaming terms :
- There is a big crane right on the beginning of the film on top of Serra do Buçaco. Even with smoke it can be seen...
- There are French cannon destroyed all over that scene. The French cannon were in reality far behind the piles of dead resulting of the two french assaults (Sula and Santo António do Cântaro), but it is an imposing scene.
- The Portuguese infantry is wearing the stovepipe shako instead of the barretina, or at least this last one should have been the majority.
- The British infantry uses grey instead of white trousers.
- The French flags are the Tricolore, instead of the 1804 model.
- The French infantry are mostly grenadiers, as usual in the movies. It seems epaulettes are pretty common in costume shops.
- The massacred french cavalry were Cuirassiers who made no part of Massena´s
- Maréchal Massena is a young guy in his 30/40ies when Massena was already
53 by then. Besides in 1807 he had lost an eye in a hunting accident.
On the other hand the environment of those troubled days is very well pictured and filming, acting and dialogues are first class, but don´t expect to see an absolutely accurate war/historical movie.
The fortifications of the Linhas de Torres are pretty well done, at least to my knowledge, and possibly there was a good contribution from the experts of municipality of Torres Vedras itself, as it was the city who ordered the movie in the first place for the 200th anniversary of the event.
And now forget the modelling and wargaming stuff and go see Soraia Chaves and some of her friends who also get naked!!!
Então depois de veres o filmes - recomendas o mesmo ou é melhor ficar em casa??
É sempre um filme bem pesquisado e que conta uma boa história. E é ver a nossa soraia nua.
Isto da crise faz muita malta "sonhar" acordada.
ReplyDeleteVejam lá que o nosso amigo até pensa que "bumpou" a Soraia, à porta do cinema!
Ó meu, tens a certeza que não confundiste a Soraia Chaves com a D. Amélia, aquela senhora com 80 anos que mora no quinto esquerdo lá do teu prédio?
Ouve lá ó meu caraças: cinco andares? pensas que vivo nalguma ilha do porto ou quê?
ReplyDeleteBumpei com a soraia sim sra e ela ficou doidinha, mas eu estava com pressa para ver o filme. Mas tu fardado nesta fotografia não devias comentar o resto do post em ver de andares a falar de assuntos para a punheta?
Primeiro preciso ir ver o filme, para depois poder falar mal dele à vontade.
DeleteEsta malta chegou a pedir para cedermos equipamento nosso para o filme, mas como recusamos, tiveram de ir buscar material à China e arredores...
Fosga-se! É preciso pôr ordem na conversa???
ReplyDeleteAi a Soraia!!!
Quero ver o filme, só para ver uns tugas aos tiritos. A falta de rigor histórico existe até em Hollywood, e é cada uma...
Bom trabalho e bons sonhos... com a dita cuja.
Relativamente a "some flaws", admito que algumas das que referiste me escaparam, não pude no entanto deixar de reparar que a Victória Guerra tem um "corte de cabelo" muito pouco usual para a época.