Friday, 24 July 2015

Rapid Fire! 20mm - 16. Luftwaffe Field Division, Normandy 44, part 11:pioneers and supporting 1053 artillery PaK abteilung

This is the Pioneer battalion of 16. LwFD. It's made mainly of Revell figures from their Pioneer box and ESCI, some Airfix hard plastic (the guy with the map from their Sdkfz 222/Kubelwagen set) and some metal from SHQ like the radio man who started life as an SS A/T crewman. The main idea was to place something to do with engineering/pioneering in every stand so they could be easily recognizable.

Some of the figures were transformed to carry some metal barbed wire I had hanging around since finishing the defences of my Omaha beach. The flamethrowers are ESCI.

Another group built and painted at the same time was 1053 PaK abt. that supported this Luftwaffe division. Simple and cheap Airfix models from the Opel Blitz set with PSC figures. I will use the original Airfix crew as OP for SS batteries.

The PSC figures come from the PaK 38/50mm gun set. Each box has 24 figures for 4 guns so you can save half of them to other projects.



  1. Isto já parece uma novela...-:) Estou sempre ansioso pelo episódio seguinte.
    O que se segue??? Venham eles. BOM TRABALHO.

    1. Obrigado amigo. Vou acabar agora o recce da div. que era montado em bicicletas. É o meu contributo para a volta a Portugal que está a chegar :)

  2. Well done, Joao. They really are the business. Lots of figures I recognise and expertly rendered too.

    1. Thanks SRD, soon I'll post the fusiliers of the division and it will be over. And to tell you frankly I was getting tired of these guys. Now I'll restart 1st US armoured in Tunisia,
