Sunday, 22 December 2024

Rapid Fire! Russian houses and Orthodox church in 20mm


All these houses and church were made from those cheap Christmas houses sold in decoration shops. Frankly, I hate Christmas. And this has to do with our toys. When I was a kid, probably from 8 years old on, I would grab the money my family gave me for Christmas, after waiting for some two days for toy shops in Coimbra´s Adelino Veiga Street to re-open after the "balance" of countability - something the computers finished with - and would bring a good bag of them with me. The problem was seeing other kids of my age looking at the window´s shop without being able to buy anything. Since then Christmas is for me the symbol of unfairness and injustice. If it wasn´t for my kids, my wife and my mother that love this season I would skip it totally, going as far as possible to a place were there isn´t Christmas. Another problem was that I would bite my nails year after year for those two days of balance to be over, knowing that I would see those kids again or others like them, knowing I wouldn´t do anything to change the situation. 

I was trying to make a Russian church for a long time together with a few Russian houses as I have only one windmill for the Eastern Front. 

Fortunately there are plenty examples in the web of rural Russian churches and I chose one with a lovely green roof as a starting point. 

This one was made by gluing two of those cheap one euro houses together (the same I used for the Dieppe castle). 

Then a table tennis ball, a cut to shape cross from my kid´s lego Bionicle (this time, offered) and a piece of BlueBoard for the plinth made the rest. 

The houses are pre-made of the type with a turn-on light inside. They looked reasonably eastern and they are a start for my Russian houses. Frankly they didn´t come as good as I expected as I should have exaggerated on the wooden look as I did later with the church. 

The rear and side doors were huge but that was reduced by gluing some flap doors. 

The chimneys are small pieces of BlueBoard. All windows got a piece of card from the interior and painted black. 

Next: The Dieppe casino