To the left there is a 3d resin print. This Waterloo1815 is quite generous with three guns and 12 excellent artillerymen but they will end up in another project.
Next. Greek infantry at Crete or more Slovaks
This a wargaming place were you can see a growing collection of miniatures and terrain of many historical periods in 20mm (but also a few 10mm,15mm and 28mm) started when I was 10 yo. At the moment it has several tens of thousands of miniatures from foot figures to Destroyers. Occasionally there are some war movie critics and some travel to military sites. My family considers it the best wargaming site in the World even if it is the only one they know. More on @joaopeixoto5249 YouTube Channel.
To the left there is a 3d resin print. This Waterloo1815 is quite generous with three guns and 12 excellent artillerymen but they will end up in another project.
Next. Greek infantry at Crete or more Slovaks
...and some plastic pieces for the absent bipod of the Esci LMGs.
Next: the beggining of the Slovak fast division for Lipovec 1941.
The Kettenkrad were used to pull the 75mmGeb.G 36 as you can see in this picture.