Saturday, 1 February 2025

Crete 1941 in 20mm for Rapid Fire! Part 6: The Kettenkrads, side-cars and the last containers

This is the last post for the Germans as I´m leaving Crete for now but will come back for the Tavronitis river bed, Greek infantry and other details. The Kettenkrads are S-models from China via Aliexpress that arrived with the houses at the end of the post and the side-cars are very old Fujimi. The containers are the last 14 necessary for the biggest scenario which totals 23. 

The Kettenkrad were used to pull the 75mmGeb.G 36 as you can see in this picture. 

The guns, and probably the tractors, were also camouflaged (mud or paint?). 

These two will go for the Carentan booklet scenarios. The beautiful cart is a resin 3d print that comes with the kit. 

All FJ for the Carentan scenarios are made too. 

These are for Crete and you also need one of each.

In fact only the BMW is necessary for the scenarios in the Crete booklet but a Kettenkrad is a nice addition for the artillery. 

The crews are conversions from Airfix and Revell, some with GreenStuff legs and reattached plastic feet. 

I always tend to place some Hulk kind of arms in the figures... 

The Fujimi side-car figures got Airfix heads. 

After taking the previous pictures I noticed the blue scarfs were missing but now they are done. 

I found the last Revell container after a lot of search in many boxes. I had 5 boxes of Revell FJ with a total of 10 containers so this last one had to be somewhere. The other containers are scratchbuilt and copied from the Revell in terms of size but closed as it makes its build much easier. 

The containers are made from pieces of wood from a Chinese shop, both cylindrical and cuboid shaped. The pegs are small pieces of broomstick plastic. 

The wooden 3d printed houses are two beauties of between 6 to 8 euros. The bigger house can go to Northern europe while the smallest is another addition to my Russian village. The painting is made mostly with diluted acrylics and drybrush so the nice printed detail can be seen. 

They can be open and that roof is crying to be used by Frost men at Arnhem...

These are incredible nice 1/72 models and very cheap. I only had a Dutch bridge from this Fisherman brand and I´ll surely add more to my different periods.

Next: Mid-war German infantry  


  1. Excellent post mate, the head swaps on the MC combos are very effective. Loving all of those containers, great job


  2. Thanks Matt. I´m thinking about the Greek defenders now and their head swaps too :)
