Saturday, 22 March 2025

Rapid Fire! Eastern Front in 20mm - The South Ozereika landings (part 6); the Romanian force


The Romanians at our masters Blue book scenario on the Ozereika landings have a battalion of infantry; a company of engineers and a battery of artillery. 

The figures are all from the Hat Romanian infantry and that includes the artillerymen. Hat also has a box of artillerymen but I don´t have it and, instead, used the mortar crews from the infantry box. 

The Romanian artillery at Ozereika is for me a mistery. The Romanians had at least two  types of 75mm guns namely the French 1897 model and the Krupp 1904 model (not counting 76,2mm, 77mm guns and 75mm mountain guns). So I went for the Krupp version and made it from scratch. 

The officer was placed in a more "artillery" position by cutting the pistol and bending the arm. 

The gun/fun itself started with an old barrel of an Airfix 25 pdr, wheels from Hat and a number of plastic and metal parts all glued together, and that included some broom bristles. 

The shield was made from EverGreen cut and bent to an approximate shape. 

In the end it got close the Krupp gun. 

The radio is another mystery as I couldn´t find any information on Romanian radios so something generic was made and a prone figure firing its rifle was turned into a radio operator. 

When I glue prone figures or equipment parts that tend to be engulfed with the sand/cat litter mix I do the following:

- the parts are fixed with electric glue that will lift it a few millimeters from the base,
- in order to strenghten the electric glue I use cheap super glue to fix the parts permanently, 
- your favorite type of ground texture can be then applied without covering the prone figures or equipment. 

The Hat Romanian infantry box has no 81mm so a FtF German mortar was used. This will look strange as the 60mm mortar from the box is much thicker than this one (not counting the 60mm mortar shell in the left figure that will never be able to enter this 81mm barrel :). 

Next: the last Soviet Naval infantry equipment for Ozereika


  1. Great stuff João, a nice addition to the collection

  2. Thanks Matt. maybe one day i´ll expand these Romanians as Stalingrad is always on the horizon (and the Germans need someone to blame).
