Thursday 13 July 2017

Rapid Fire! 20mm Gulf War - Saladin's Division (part 4): the Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the 12th Tank Brigade

This post completes the 12Th Tank Brigade of Saladin's Division. Here you have its Mechanized infantry battalion (Regiment, in Iraqi terms) made out of 6 men in each of the 3 companies, plus command, AT, AA and mortar detachments.

The command of the battalion only has these two SHQ figures, and a Cararama Land Rover. In the future I'll add maybe two more figures and a 12,7mm HMG.

Each company has a Skytrex BMP-1 and six SHQ figures, one of them with RPG-7. Third from the left an Iraqi sniper from the command group looks for a position for his deadly job.

The A/T team has a Milan ATGW taken from the Revell Modern German Infantry, the firer (ESCI US WWII) and a famous figure from Matchbox, with moustache, of course.


The 82mm Mortar has figures (L-R) fom Revell US WWII Paratroppers, Revell US WWII infantry and Matchbox modern British for Falklands campaign.

The AA weapon is a twin 23mm mounted on a 3/4-ton vehicle. The twin 23mm was scratch built in Evergreen and the truck is a supermarket toy resembling closely the Gaz 66 or a civilian truck requested for military service.

The figures are old Atlantic figures.

Thunder(bolt) view!

Next: the 6th Armoured Brigade with its T-62's.


  1. Really nice work there. When I get back into my modern collection I shall add a 23mm in the same style to my Saladin div in 15m- I really like your work.

  2. Thanks Big Andy. I started this division little time after real events, may be around late 91, and there were few things in the market by then. The 23mm and many other things in my Iraqis had to be scratch built. But I don't regret it, they are much cheaper and are unique- even on its mistakes :)

  3. Very nice collection, can imagine it is a fun unit in a game.



  4. Thanks Pete. The entire division never played a game and probably never will. I'm like Saddam keeping his aviation from being destroyed...:)

  5. Thanks AI. Nice to hear from you.
