This a wargaming place were you can see a growing collection of miniatures and terrain of many historical periods in 20mm (but also a few 10mm,15mm and 28mm) started when I was 10 yo. At the moment it has several tens of thousands of miniatures from foot figures to Destroyers. Occasionally there are some war movie critics and some travel to military sites. My family considers it the best wargaming site in the World even if it is the only one they know. More on @joaopeixoto5249 YouTube Channel.
Thursday, 29 December 2022
The French Infantry Corps 1915-18, Great War Spearhead rules in 20mm
Monday, 26 December 2022
Great War Spearhead II in 20mm. The support weapons of the French Infantry Corps in WWI
Sunday, 4 December 2022
The German Infantry Corps of 1916, Great War Spearhead rules in 20mm
Friday, 18 November 2022
Able Archer/ RFR rules (?) - Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 in 20mm (part 11) - A new Ukrainian motorized battalion and its IMV´s
In this picture I was still trying to picture the MSL Shield vehicles as the more usual IMV Kozak 2 vehicles with the double antenna at the front, but somehow its possible that a true accessible model of the Kozak 2 comes to the market (there are 3d prints but expensive) and that was left aside and the MSL vehicles idea stayed firm. Ukraine managed to buy (at least open information, with probable licence to build more) 11 of them from Italian TEKNE company with ex president Poroshenko´s money (he says...) and some crowd funding. The vehicles are on the service of the 79th Air Assault Brigade. You can find plenty of photos of them as Poroshenko flooded the web with its pictures, like this one:
"Yes, I wish I was wearing that green uniform the small guy is using..."
Saturday, 5 November 2022
The German Infantry Division of 1915-16, Great War Spearhead rules in 20mm
Friday, 14 October 2022
Able Archer/ RFR rules (?) - Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 in 20mm (part 10) - Ukrainian APC's for the Kharkiv offensive
The very old BTR-60PB is still being used and was eventually used to saturate the battlefield with relatively soft targets, as seen recently in some videos where speed looks to be the rule, making the aiming of the Russian defenders more difficult.
Next: maybe a video on the Arnhem buildings.
Saturday, 8 October 2022
The Carthaginian army at the battle of Cannae, 216 BC, in 20mm size for ...
Friday, 7 October 2022
Able Archer/ RFR rules (?) - Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 in 20mm (part 9) - Ukrainian new and old material and some musicians

Next: more Russo-Ukrainian war or maybe a return to ancients.
Thursday, 29 September 2022
A way to store and organize wargame models
Sunday, 25 September 2022
Able Archer/ RFR rules (?) - Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 in 20mm (part 8) - The Lend-Lease SPG´s for the Ukrainians
Next: More 2022 Ukrainian and Russians or a video on the way I organize the basement to store the collection, something thousands of you have been asking. Well in fact it was just one of you but that one is worth a thousand.
Wednesday, 21 September 2022
The Germans at Mortain, Aug.44, for Rapid Fire! rules in 20mm size. Part...
Rapid Fire! in 20mm. Filling gaps in WW2 (part 6)
Another Minigeneral 3d print, a Lend-Lease M17 MGMC based on the M5 half-track, again for Steve Shaan´s book.
Next: last part of the video on the Germans at Mortain.