Monday 10 July 2023

Borodino 1812 (part 6): Russian Guards infantry division for AOE in 20mm

Lavrov´s division advances stands firm on the Borodino field next to an irrigation ditch. The Guard division is probably the most famous of the Russian army. The first line (brigade in AOE) is made of Jägers, here represented by Finnish Jägers; the second is Udom´s Brigade with the Lithuanian Regiment representing it and the third line has the Semionovski Regiment representing Rosen´s Brigade. 

The Finnish Jägers are the usual Esci figures with a StreletsR officer. 

The two Guard regiments of the line are mostly Zvezda and the two flag bearers have the trick of the extended pole with the top part cut and added later when the paper flag is inserted. 

The three boxes I had of Grenadiers already flew with just a few units as this thing of placing 6 figures in each stand is eating lots of miniatures! The flag bearer to the right was an improvised Italeri Prussian with added paper flag and plume. 

I also got tricked by the rear view of the Zvezda Grenadier box as it shows 18 marching figures which convinced me that, plus the command stand, three boxes would be enough to portray a full regiment of 60 marching figures. In fact one of the attacking poses is missing on the rear view of the box and somehow a marching figure shows up instead. This forced me to use other figures in the rear rank, namely more Prussians from Italeri. All of them got the usual plumes (inserted broom stick in the shako covered in GreenStuff) and painted cords. As they are big figures they make good looking Guards that were taller than most regular infantryman (minimum 1,71m for the Guards to 1,55m in the regulars).

The Divisional command stand has two Italeri Prussians from two different boxes (infantry and staff). The foot officer got a plume and entered easily to the Guard while the mounted officer started his life as an ADC. The horse came from the Revell Heavy Dragoons with its tail enlarged with GreenStuff. 

The General's coat tail was also enlarged and the shabraque was changed to the intended form, again with the help of GreenStuff, that marvellous invention ... let me google it... from Kneadatite (... never heard this before!). 

Next: A video on the Israelis in Lebanon 1982