Sunday 21 January 2024

RFR/Able Archer - The Portuguese Brigada Mecanizada 2008-24 in 20mm size

This Brigade is one of the three of the Portuguese army. It's made around a powerful group of Leopard 2A6 and infantry on M-113 under the fire protection of M-109 A5. The models came from a number of different brands like Die-cast Altaya, Riich, 3d BPM and many conversions. The infantry are plastic US, NATO and German figures with cuts in the weapons for them to look like the G3.


  1. Very nice! I particularly appreciate the engineering vehicles; the M88 and AVLB look quite impressive. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Thanks. These two were the most challenging but funny to build at the same time.

  3. That AVLB is a very impressive bit of scratch building!

  4. Thanks Neil. The bridge is made from a block of styrofoam with bits of evergreen plastic.
