Sunday 14 January 2024

The Portuguese campaign of 1895 in Mozambique in 20mm

Years ago, after finishing my Anglo-Zulu War figures, I started another campaign were I could use once again the Zulu army without many changes. It was from the idea of reusing the Zulus that I started the actions around the uprising of the Landins and Vatuas (Shangane, for the British) of Mozambique against the Portuguese rule during the years of 1894-95. These African tribes were affiliated with the Zulus and most of its weapons and garments were similar so my 20mm Zulu army could be used once more this time a few years later and a bit to the northeast of Africa. The major battles like Marracuene, Magul and Coolela were big affairs not smaller than most of the engagements of the Anglo-Zulu war of 1879.
The Portuguese army, both the colonial and the metropolitan, had to be made from conversions as nothing exists in 20mm.  First I made all infantry necessary using French Legionaires from Esci and heads from Confederates and Australians and many others to portray the Portuguese uniform in Mozambique. In my help came three excellent articles on this campaign by Jorge de Freitas in Miniatures Wargames No 144, 145 and 146. On those days of 1995 wargame magazines were packed with more information and had less pictures so the total 12 pages of the series gave a good insight of the military actions, organization, equipment and uniforms.  Then with a few extra books, namely the Portuguese Tribuna book 'Moçambique 1895, a campanha de todos os Heróis' by A.J. Telo, photos from my visits to the Army museum in Lisbon and nowadays precious internet, I got the rest of the information.


  1. That is a very interesting subject to me. 20 years ago, I visited the Military museum in Lisboa and it wasn't allowed to make photos. the bad thing was, I was the only visitor and was under close watch:-( They had so many material about Portuguese colonial wars, but still I don't have much information on the subject.

  2. Not an easy subject in foreign language.Even so wikipedia has some of the battles of this war in english- coolela and marracuene at least - as a starting point.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks AI. Its a small project but very funny to build.
