Saturday 28 April 2018

Rapid Fire! France 1940 in 20mm - Last Somua S-35 tanks for the DLM

Again in record time these Somua arrived from Clive Dudley so CTT are back to the hands of the people! Long live the Revolution or the Lord be praised - you choose your option!!! I received three Somua with the colours for the French campaign of 1940. I just had to change the numbers and paint the usual black wash- lighter colours- sand dry brushing. The other three came with the colours for Vichy/Tunisia 1943. I primed these ones and used the same colours as the Somua I have from Heller and Skytrex. I ended up with a total of 18 Somua - 9 with the Altaya colours of the 1st DLM and other 9 with the colours of the 3rd DLM.

I also took the antennae of all Somua but two which are the battalion commanders.

This psychedelic camouflage was made up and includes the French Light Green which was from time to time part of French vehicle camouflage specially up to 1939.

Next: a batch of Lancer Miniatures for France 1940 that arrived a few days ago.    

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