Monday 9 August 2021

Rapid Fire! 20mm Carentan in video

This is a gift from my friend Mário Laranja and represents Carentan, the famous battle place between the German 6. FJ Reg. and the 101st US Airborne. All buildings are made in card and then were 'washed' with super glue making them very tough models. My only work was painting as they arrived black primed, a small participation of 3 or 4 days in a project that took months for Mário Laranja to finish. Fortunately, Mário became a 28mm modeller and wargamer (he has several of these houses in his colection in this bigger scale) and so this wonderful models ended up to my surprise in my collection.


  1. Wow, what a gift! That is a very impressive scratch built layout and I'm sure you will have many, many fun games playing on and in it:)

  2. Wonderful!, absolutely wonderful. Your painting does them justice too.

    1. Thanks Paul. Painting them was very easy as the detail was amazing,
